How to Saw Lumber with a Bandsaw Mill – Step By Step Process

How to Saw Lumber with a Bandsaw Mill

Sawing lumber with a bandsaw mill can be easier if you know the right way of how to saw lumber with a Bandsaw mill.

Lumber may come in different shapes round or square. Round lumbers are common for the carpenters. A band saw is the easiest staff to cut the round lumber in just a while.

Professional woodworkers follow sawmill techniques to transfer lumber into square cant or log.

Sawmill cutting patterns are must-follow factors while dealing with lumber.

Don’t worry!

I have mentioned the cutting pattern for lumber with a bandsaw mill in this article.

Go through the paragraphs eventually to get the easiest way.

Let’s begin with cutting patterns.

Sawmill cutting patterns for Lumber with a Bandsaw Mill

Live Sawing:

Live sawing is the easiest pattern to cut lumber with a bandsaw mill. People also call it line cutting and slab sawing.

In this pattern, you have to cut the log at the opening face until the half of the logs. Then, saw again in the opposite direction. It takes very little time to cut.

Moreover, you can make the line pattern easily in this way. If you want large boards, then you should follow this live sawing pattern.

Cant Sawing:

Cant sawing is the most popular log cutting style because of its valuable boards.

Live sawing carries edges in each pattern while cant sawing provides you with a flat board without any edges.

Here, you have to cut the opening face and the sides of the log simply. Cut the top of the log for the first time. Then, flip it 180-degrees for the next cut.

Likewise, cut the left three sides following this angle. At last, you will have a square board that is precious and edge-free.

Plain Sewing:

Plain sawing is just like Cant sawing. You can cut the four-sided log more to get the targeted board.

To have plain sawing, you have to follow the same instructions of the Cant sawing. Plain sawing will provide you the best quality cant.

Grade Sawing:

Grade sawing is the best option if you are looking for the best pieces of the log. Here, you have to turn the log five times to have the slides.

You can follow the process of the cant sawing just adding one more turning. Remember, the production ratio of this cutting is very low.

Quarter Sawing:

Quarter sawing refers to the cutting logs following the grains. This cutting is costly and production is very low.

If you have an order or target to use the grain part of the wood for a specific reason, then you can have quarter sawing. Here, you may need to cut the slides several times.

How to Saw Lumber with a Bandsaw mill step by step

Step 1 Set the Miter bar:

The miter bar is the first staff that you need to contact at the very beginning. Here, you have to adjust the miter bar measuring the log size.

You will find a miter bar with 10 inches wide and 2 feet long. Measure the size of your lumber logs. Then, mark the miter bar with the measured size.

Attach the miter bar with the MDF. You may have to make some holes in the bar to attach to the MDF. It will help you to go through the right pattern.

Step 2 Choose the right pattern regarding your needs:

In this step, you have to choose the right pattern that you want.

You should choose the cutting style regarding your needs and targets. To sell the pieces of board normally, you should select the first one “Live sawing”. It is easy to get.

Next, to produce a little bit of valuable board with the wooden piece, you should select Cant sawing. Cant sawing will provide you the best quality lumber.

Then, Plain sawing and grade sawing will be appropriate for making something precious. These cuttings provide very low production from the lumber.

Step 3 Start cutting for the first time:

Selecting a suitable pattern, make the first cut according to the plan. Follow the instructions of each pattern from the paragraph above.

Put the log in the bar and make the first slide. It seems to be serious but easy to get. After cutting the first cut, check the slide whether you have done it in the right way or not.

If everything is all right, then go for the next step.

Step 4 Cut for the second time and continuously:

Now attempt the second cut. The second cut will determine the quality of the cuts.

Before putting the lumber in the mill, check out the miter bar so that you can follow the line each time.

Step 5 Have the boards:

After cutting the sides of the log, saw the log to get fine boards. Here, you should measure the log before making the boards.

Go slowly while cutting the boards so that you can get clean boards without edges.

Step 6 Process the boards:

Now, process the boards to use them in further works. First, you have to use plains to sharpen the surface of the boards.

Then, put the boards in the sun or open air. The boards will dry up naturally. After drying for a few days, you see some changes in the shapes of the boards.

Some boards may be shrunken or bent. This possibility of shrunken depends on the quality of the wood.

If you cut only the grains, then you may not have any changes in the shapes.

Step 7 Finishing up:

Clean up the Band saw after finishing cutting. After 30 minutes of cutting, check out the blade if it gets hurt.

Write down the essential issues that you have found during the operation. The note will help you to see lumber next time.

Bottom line: You should follow the safety measure while dealing with lumber in a band saw. Be familiar with the instructions of how to saw lumber with a bandsaw mill before attempting the cutting.

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